Life Coaching Tip: When you visualize yourself completing your goals, you are building confidence and priming your mind for success. So why not intentionally take time each day to check in with Future You and envision your life unfolding just as you want it to? This will help you make decisions from the brain of the Future You, who is relaxed and confident, and she knows that you’ve got this!
I just wasn’t myself last Friday as I took my morning walk by the lake.
Well, I was myself, just not my present-day self. You see, Friday morning I decided to have some fun and imagine being my future-self as I strolled in her fabulous shoes along the path at the Bluffs.
I thought, if I were walking on this path exactly one year from now, what would I be thinking about?
What would be on my to-do list for the day?
What would be important to me?
What would I reflect back on with a sense of ease, pride, and happiness knowing that it was accomplished?
And as I considered these questions, I decided . . . .
Future Me walks with confidence, knowing that she had achieved her goals and realized many dreams in the past year.
Future Me is not worried about anything because she knows, from experience, that she has weathered many storms and can handle whatever comes her way. Plus, things are always working out for her!
Future Me is proud of the way she showed up for herself and others this year, and she is eager for more opportunities to be a bright light in the world.
Future Me is full of innovative, creative ideas, and she is ready to get her day going!
I embodied this persona as I walked, and I created a sense of peace, contentment, and joy for myself.
And I felt an overwhelming sense of excitement, too!
I mean, Future Me is kind of a badass!
So, now that you see how impactful this visualization exercise was for me, I hope you give it a try.
Allow yourself to truly “go there,” relax and BE Future You.
Did you know that despite all the research establishing its effectiveness, visualization is one of the most underutilized superpowers available to humans? Not only is it fun, but visualization is a powerful tool to help you move forward towards your desires and aspirations.
The research shows that your brain cannot tell the difference between an action you’ve performed and an action you’ve visualized. And because of this, visualization impacts several cognitive processes in the brain: motor control, attention, perception, planning and memory.
So, when you imagine yourself completing your goals, you are priming your brain for success. You are strengthening the neural connections, creating pathways that inspire the actions necessary to make it happen.
How cool is that?
Sometimes my clients tell me that they just aren’t comfortable doing visualization exercises, and perhaps this may feel a little fluffy to you too.
But here is the thing, your brain is conjuring up thoughts 24/7 anyway. Be it intentionally or unintentionally, you are always visualizing.
And, if you are human, then you sometimes worry and fret.
That, sister, is visualization! It’s using your imagination to visualize things that you don’t want to happen.
So why not instead INTENTIONALLY take time each day to check in with Future You and envision your life unfolding just as you want it to?
This will help you make decisions from the brain of the Future You, who is relaxed and confident. Future You knows that you’ve got this, and so taking bold steps forward just makes sense to her.
Future You believes in you without a doubt and, of course, is a badass, too!