If you’re wondering what it’s like to coach with me, here’s what a few of my incredible clients had to say . . . .

The most important thing that people should know about coaching with Tracy is that IT WORKS! I came to Tracy with an idea that I wanted to make some radical changes in my life and live the life of my dreams and she was my guide. She kept me accountable, motivated, and focused through the process and the bumps along the way. This has been the best investment I ever made in myself.
– Ann Winegar, owner of EnviroLearn (one of Ann’s many cool ideas that she’s acted on!)

If you work with Tracy, get ready for change and new opportunities. She will be your biggest cheerleader and encourager as she pushes you right out of your comfort zone. Doing the work has challenged and changed my beliefs in such a positive way about myself, what I’m capable of, and what goals I want to spend my time pursuing.
– Sarah Blakely

If you feel unfulfilled in life, you’re not as happy as you think you could be, and there are things you’ve always wanted to do but you didn’t think you could do them… do this, do life coaching. You will realize how obtainable things really are when they seemed so daunting before.
– Anna Katsas, Blue Zones Advocate

Because of Tracy’s professionalism, experience, dedication, and compassion, I am now actually moving forward instead of doing circles. Working with her has been an absolute joy. Her sense of humor is refreshing and her guidance, direct. She’s inspired me to dig deep and be the “me” I once left behind.
– Tam Polzer, author of Reflections from the Wilde Side, Pathways to Epiphanies, and The Kitchen Fairy

Before coaching with Tracy, I felt like I was in a cage. I felt like I was looking out of this cage where I see this person that I am and wanted to be, but I didn’t know how to get there. Coaching with Tracy has completely changed my life.
– Stacey Ceboll

I am more likely to take care of other people than I am myself—and after investing so much in everybody else, I took this as a moment and time to invest in myself and do some self-exploration. My goals were to lose a little bit of weight and start healthier habits, and I am proud to say that I have lost a total of 14 lbs. I’ve stopped self-isolating. I am having fun in life instead of just hustling every single day. In fact, I went to Australia! This is from a person who believed I was never going to see an ocean, never going to cross an ocean, and never going to see another country. I can check that off my bucket list now!
– Nancy Lynne, Owner of Vector Bitmap Branding

Life coaching has completely changed my life! I view myself as a much more confident and successful person. I have resigned from my Monday through Friday job, and I have opened an LLC business where I consult in long term care facilities. I would have never been here without life coaching and the Shine On group.
– Christine Cooper, owner of Cooper’s IP Consulting

I have been working closely with Tracy for over a year dealing with a tragic and sudden loss in my life. I credit Tracy for helping me heal, inspiring me to make life changes and to find joy again. Tracy is very encouraging and can break down things in a way that you can move on from the story you’ve been telling yourself for years. I would encourage anyone feeling lost, or stuck, or without purpose to reach out and meet with her.
– Jennifer Burnette

I first began working one-on-one with Tracy in 2020 and decided to invest further in myself by joining her Shine On Women’s Coaching group in 2021. Since then, I’ve participated in several rounds of the group, and the transformation I’ve experienced has been incredible. In the past three years, I’ve achieved more that leads me to the life I’ve envisioned for myself than I have in my entire adult life! At 62, I don’t fear aging or stagnation—in fact, in 2025, I’ll be training and signing up to compete in a women’s over-60 bodybuilding competition! Tracy’s guidance has truly been life-changing, and I couldn’t recommend her more.
– Connie Casey, owner of Connie Casey Yoga and Integrative Wellness

Tracy is a great coach and has made a big difference in my life, self-awareness, and in my progress in starting my business. Tracy is an expert life coach—one you would be lucky to hire.
– Patti Robinson

Tracy has the strongest story/BS detector I have ever seen. And she politely lets you come to that conclusion yourself as she walks you through your challenges. It’s exactly what I needed because I so do not thrive under Drill Sargent conditions, but I do like having external motivation and checks to help keep me focused. Tracy is perfect for this, and I would not be starting my own business without her gentle encouragement that I maybe was an entrepreneur (3 years ago I would have laughed at that assessment. My business opens this year. Thanks a lot, Tracy, ugh. ;))
– Amanda Briggs de Lavini, owner of (the now well-established) Darkroom Brewing Company

I recommend coaching to anyone, and women in particular. Tracy is just amazing. I always feel better after talking with her—and just knowing that she’s always there and has my back has been immensely helpful. I was stuck in a rut and sort of just going through the motions of what I expected every season to bring, and now I’m reminded that actually, it can change. It can be whatever I want it to be, and I really do have the power and the tools to manifest that for myself. It’s like everything is opening up, and I’m reminded – the world is what I want to make it!
– Michelle Calascibetta, owner of The Farm Bus Bistro
“When we have the courage to walk into our story and own it, we get to write the ending.” –Brene Brown

When you decide to hire a life coach, you can expect to transform your life in a variety of ways. As your coach, I will help you learn to tune into your intuition and begin to trust and believe in yourself. And once you are able to trust your own intuition, you will become your own guide in life. You will learn to trust your internal guidance system and the direction it takes you.
My coaching style involves helping you let go of all those “shoulds” that have been placed on you over the years, as you begin to explore what lights you up.
For you, that might mean finding a new career, exploring an innovative business idea, a lifestyle change, travel, or something else that only exists currently in your dreams. I will help you gain clarity about what feels fun and meaningful for your life, and gain the confidence to manifest it!

We all want a life full of happiness, and for many people, it can be a struggle to find their way through the obstacles of life and feel fulfilled.
As your life coach, I can help you learn to tap into your inner knowing and gain clarity about what will bring your life meaning and joy.
Whether you are working towards a career change, starting your own business, or wanting to disrupt your life in other ways, I have helped women across the board find the contentment and success they’ve been longing for.

Learning to trust your own inner-guidance system as you navigate through life is the key to success and fulfillment. You may not consider yourself a leader, but I believe we all possess leadership qualities, even if it means learning to lead ourselves.
I have helped many remarkable women tap into their full potential, lead in integrity with their values, and develop into the strong leaders they were meant to be.
Not only has this helped to bring more meaning and satisfaction to my client’s lives, but it has positively affected the lives of those they lead in countless ways.
Outstanding Results

Above are testimonials from a few of my many clients who have achieved life-changing results while working with me. Some of these amazing women were looking for the self-confidence and inspiration they needed to start a new business, others were working to change professions, and most were seeking help to find clarity and meaningful direction for their lives.
But I want to tell you about one client’s story in particular because I feel her success is a fabulous example of all that is possible through life coaching.
I started coaching Jen after her husband passed away, and she was understandably struggling with profound grief. Sadly, her entire world had been turned upside-down. However, since working with me, she has courageously rebuilt her life, improved her health, lost over 100 pounds, up-leveled her career, and DOUBLED her income!
Jen once said to me, “You saved my life. Not that I think I wouldn’t have gone on after my husband died, but I think I would have just gone through the motions. When I say, ‘You saved my life’, I mean, you helped me LIVE again!”
Jen’s commitment to real-life change is inspirational, to say the least. And if she can do it, YOU can do it too!
How Does Life Coaching Work?

As you explore what you truly want for your life and begin taking steps towards what light lights you up, it’s likely that you will trigger feelings of guilt and fear. We live in a world that discourages us from living outside the norm, and warns us of the “dangers” in doing so.
As women, we are often shamed for wanting more for ourselves, even at the most basic of levels. We are encouraged to be self-LESS, and we are taught that it’s selfish to passionately go after our dreams.
As your coach, I will help you gain the insight to understand the things that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential. We will develop an action plan to bring meaning and purpose back into your life. When you’re ready, I will be with you every step of the way, providing the support and encouragement you need to get your mojo back!
The truth is, the world doesn’t need more selfless women. In order to make an impact on the planet, you must be full of yourself. Sister! The world is a better place, and we all benefit when you shine!
Why Coaching Produces Positive Results

Feeling stuck, indecisive, and unfulfilled in life are common feelings that people often experience. Far too many women are living their life doing what they think they’re “supposed to” do, rather than embracing life on their own terms. They struggle to know what they want because they were taught to distrust the longings of their hearts. If this is you, then this is where life coaching can help.
As your coach, I will help you tap into your true potential and learn to fully trust yourself. The answers you are looking for are already inside of you, but to live wholeheartedly, you must get comfortable faithfully leaning into them.
What is the impact of life coaching?

Finding a clear life purpose and a growth in self-confidence are just a few of the beautiful transformations that life coaching will create in your life. Ultimately, unleashing what is already within YOU is the most important impact of all.
Living a life of inspiration, not obligation, will help you jump out of bed with excitement each morning. You’ve been given this one and only life, and you are meant to live it to the fullest!
Where can I find a life coach that can help me achieve results?

The answer is simple. You have already found a seasoned, professional life coach who believes in you and your dreams! The next step is to say “yes” to yourself. Say “yes” to the fulfilling life that you want. Say “yes” to the meaningful career, new business, healthy lifestyle, or other hollerings of your heart.
Ultimately, choose to say “yes” to finding joy in your life and the happiness you deserve!