Life Coaching Tip: If you struggle with self-confidence, know that you're not alone. Thanks to conditioning from the patriarchy, many women struggle with feelings of self-doubt and insufficiency. But, you can kick your fears and self-doubt to the curb and shift to a mindset that is grounded in …
There Are No Mistakes in Dance Class, Only Solos!
Life Coaching Tip: It’s in life's "solos" where authenticity thrives and beauty shines. Let this real life story of Nancy, a trailblazing entrepreneur, inspire you. Dancing freely and imperfectly is your birthright, mama! You aren't here to fit in. You were meant for a solo. You were born to …
Developing the Courage to See Yourself
Life Coaching Tip: In this post, I introduce "mirror work," a practice that can profoundly impact your sense of self-worth. Although it may feel very uncomfortable for you at first, you can gently ease your way into it by being light and playful. If this still feels icky for you, it's even more of a …
Cultivating Worthiness
Life Coaching Tip: The more you recognize and appreciate the beauty around you, the more you’ll recognize and appreciate the beauty within you. This simple but powerful exercise will get you started. You deserve the sense of "enoughness," peace, and fulfillment on the other …
When Confidence and Worthiness Collide
Life Coaching Tip: After reading last week's post, you might be wondering what it looks like to be both self-confident and embody a healthy sense of self-worth. Learn the signs here. And if you're worried there's still work to be done, rest assure that this is a very common problem that many women …
A Winning Combination: Self-Worth and Self-Confidence
Life Coaching Tip: Many of us spend our entire lives focused on cultivating our self-confidence by hustling - believing this will bring us fulfillment. However, because of its flighty nature, it cannot solely do the job. It is your self-worth that is the foundation of your fulfillment. Without it, …
Releasing Perfectionism
Life Coaching Tip: Perfectionism comes from a place of trying to prove enoughness — and it results in a relentless self-destructive pattern of defeat because the goal of perfection is not possible. The productivity, hustling, and grinding just gets more intense and the "not enough" story or belief …
Creating Sufficiency
Life Coaching Tip: If you were to ask me the number one thought or belief that blocks my clients from fully embracing all the joy and fulfillment life has to offer, I would say, without a doubt, it’s the thought of being not enough. Is this you? This article provides practical tips on how to create …
Choose Your Own Adventure
Life Coaching Tip: This fun manifesting exercise will help you stay in light, positive energy with less attachment or resistance. It's all about thinking expansively and staying open to all the magnificent, mind-blowing possibilities the Universe has to offer …
Flip the Script
Life Coaching Tip: If you are someone who tends to over-think and worry, then the exercise featured in today's post, Scripting, might be for you! Scripting can help you break the habit of worrying and intentionally shift your focus to your desires. And the more you practice shifting your focus to …