Life Coaching Tip: As you dig into the goals you’ve set for yourself in the new year, creating fresh habits that support your goals is a surefire way to uplevel your life and realize your dreams. Habits can reduce stress and anxiety, and they can help you develop a sense of empowerment and …
You’ve Totally Got This!
Life Coaching Tip: If you’re feeling like it’s taking “too long” to hit your goals, let me assure you: this is just your primal brain trying to hold you back. You are making progress, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. Sometimes we just underestimate the amount of effort or time a goal will …
Direct Your Focus to Your Dreams
Life Coaching Tip: Did you know your brain has an incredible ability to adapt and ignore irrelevant stimuli over time? This article provides a rather strange and unique example of this mind-blowing phenomenon and explains how focusing on positive aspects and opportunities can shape your …
Commit to Taking Back Your Power
Life Coaching Tip: As humans, we often relinquish our power to external circumstances, like weather or time, which leaves us feeling powerless. This article provides examples of how you can recognize and challenge your excuses and reclaim control over your life and decisions. I encourage you to …
Turn Your Worries Into Commitments
Life Coaching Tip: When you are overwhelmed with worry and fear, you can feel defeated and small, too scared and helpless to pursue your dreams. But when you turn your worries into commitments, you step back into your badassery and remember that you are in full control of your future. Never let fear …
Cultivating Confidence (Part Two)
Life Coaching Tip: It doesn't have to be a struggle or take forever to begin building self-confidence. Here are five more tips to help you release your insecurities, step into your power, and be the boss of your brain. Every area of your life will improve once you embrace your own magnificence. So …
Cultivating Confidence (Part One)
Life Coaching Tip: If you struggle with self-confidence, know that you're not alone. Thanks to conditioning from the patriarchy, many women struggle with feelings of self-doubt and insufficiency. But, you can kick your fears and self-doubt to the curb and shift to a mindset that is grounded in …
There Are No Mistakes in Dance Class, Only Solos!
Life Coaching Tip: It’s in life's "solos" where authenticity thrives and beauty shines. Let this real life story of Nancy, a trailblazing entrepreneur, inspire you. Dancing freely and imperfectly is your birthright, mama! You aren't here to fit in. You were meant for a solo. You were born to …
Developing the Courage to See Yourself
Life Coaching Tip: In this post, I introduce "mirror work," a practice that can profoundly impact your sense of self-worth. Although it may feel very uncomfortable for you at first, you can gently ease your way into it by being light and playful. If this still feels icky for you, it's even more of a …
Cultivating Worthiness
Life Coaching Tip: The more you recognize and appreciate the beauty around you, the more you’ll recognize and appreciate the beauty within you. This simple but powerful exercise will get you started. You deserve the sense of "enoughness," peace, and fulfillment on the other …