Life Coaching Tip: Pay close attention to the words that are coming out of your mouth, because they’re a good reflection of the “stories” you are narrating in your mind. This is important because your thoughts (stories) create your results, and so intentionally telling stories that align with what you want for your life is the easiest and most delightful way to make it happen!
I was on the phone with a friend recently, who was sharing a story about a situation that she considered to be full of bad luck. As she went through her list of awful events, she’d start each part of her story with, “Of course”.
“Of course, it started to rain.”
“Of course, our reservations got messed up.”
“Of course, I woke up that morning feeling sick!”
“And, of course, the very thing I was most worried about, happened…”
I could go on, but you get the idea.
I so wanted to say to her, “you’re telling the story as if you were expecting things not to go your way. It’s like you were looking for things to go wrong,” but I am wise enough to know better! She was in a mood, we’ve all been there, and she would in no way appreciate a life coaching “lesson” in that moment.
And so, I kept my lips zipped, empathized, and stayed in friend mode.
But later that day, I decided to play with the idea of flipping the way I use “of course” to describe bad fortune, and instead use it to my advantage!
When I took a break from my work as the sun was going down on that rainy day, I hurried to take my pup, Ginger, to the park for a quick walk before dinner. As we turned the corner and drove down the street next to my house, I could hear a train whistle, and my first thought was…
“Well, of course there’s train! We’re going to be stuck at the tracks until sundown!” (There are train tracks down every route I can take through my town, and so this is a common annoyance.)
But I caught myself and corrected my story! Instead, I tried this out…
“Of course, that fast train will be history by the time we reach the tracks!”
And guess what, it was! Ginger and I were delighted!!!
I have had so much fun with this game ever since!
That evening… of course, I had amazing calls with my clients; of course, the freelancer who has been working with me on some projects did a fantastic job; and of course, I came up with a fabulous idea for a white elephant gift that had been keeping me stuck and spinning!
Why do I pay such close attention to the words that are coming out of my mouth? Well, because they’re a good reflection of the stories that I am concocting in my brain.
Simply put, stories that come from a place of, “Well, of course, life just took a dump on me,” lead to feelings of frustration, hopelessness, and doom. And nothing good was ever born from these emotions!
While stories that come from a place of, “Well of course, that magical thing just happened to me,” lead to feelings of trust, hopefulness, and glee! And everything magnificent was born from these emotions!
It’s comforting to remember that the universe has your back!
And so, I’m encouraging you, my friend, to try the “of course” game out this week! Mostly, because it is fun! But also, because…
- What you focus on, you create more of!
- You are responsible for the energy you radiate out to the world.
- Science tells us that your brain has a confirmation bias. You subconsciously look for “proof” to support your stories, so you’re going to want to tell stories that uplift your spirits and create the kick-ass results you desire! (No hippy-dippy stuff here, this is an evidence-based fact!)
- You deserve to feel optimistic, inspired, confident, and empowered!
Alright now, repeat after me:
“Of course, the day is rich with grand opportunities, and I open my heart to receive them!”
“Of course, things just keep going my way!”
“Of course, every cell of my body is alive with good health and brilliant energy!”
“Of course, I attract money like a freakin’ magnet!”
“Of course, my life is filled with delightful surprises, lucky breaks, and good fortune!”
Be open-minded and have fun with this, sister!
And most of all, remember…
You are a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, overflowing with gifts and talents. And, OF COURSE, you have the mighty power to create anything you desire!