Life Coaching Tip: As humans, we often relinquish our power to external circumstances, like weather or time, which leaves us feeling powerless. This article provides examples of how you can recognize and challenge your excuses and reclaim control over your life and decisions. I encourage you to confront your obstacles head-on and commit to achieving your goals. You always have influence over your outcomes, my friend!
In my last post, I wrote to you about turning your worries and fears into commitments. And today, I want to expand on that idea a little more.
But first, I want to express that if you feel a little called out by this message, know that it comes from a place of love and first-hand experience.
Our human primal brains aren’t that creative in the tactics they use to hold us back. If your brain is doing it, mine has likely tried the same strategy too—and for sure, the clients I’ve worked with over the last decade have shared similar struggles.
I mean it when I say, we’re all in this together!
So today, I’d like for you to think about the excuses you might be using to avoid stretching and growing based on circumstances that are not within your control while ignoring the factors that are within your control.
This is one way we give away our power. It leaves us feeling like a victim . . . helpless, defeated, and stuck. And it’s based on BS.
Here are a few real-life examples:
Client: “I love talking walks outside on my lunch break, but now that the weather is getting colder, I can’t go. I hate being cold.” (Hands power over to Old Man Winter . . .)
Me: “Do you have a coat and winter hat?”
Client: “Yes.”
Me: “Are you willing to wear them? I mean, they’re meant to keep you warm.” (wink)
Client: (Cracks up laughing!) “Yes, okay. I will stick with my walks, no matter the weather.” (Re-commits to her goal and takes her power back!)
Client: “I can’t take on any more customers because there are only so many hours in my day.” (Gives her power over to “time”. . .)
Me: “Did you delegate more to your VA and post that position on Upwork as you had planned?”
Client: “No, I’ve been too busy.”
Me: (Glances over eyeglasses.)
Client: “Alright, yaaas. I will make time to post it this afternoon.” (Stands in her power like the boss that she is!)
Client: “I’ve stopped seeing my niece, because when I’m around my sister (her mom), she’s always making demands on me. She seriously doesn’t understand that I have a life, too.” (Allows her sister to have all the power. . .)
Me: “What if you just told your sister ‘no’ to the things you don’t want to do?”
Client: “It’s not that easy. She’ll take it the wrong way.”
Me: “Is it worth giving up your relationship with your niece? There’s no ‘right’ answer here, just wondering how you feel about it?”
Client: “No, my relationship with my niece is super important to me. I will commit to practicing saying ‘no’ more to my sister and sticking with it.” (Takes back her power and re-aligns in with her values and heart!)
Client: “The job market is slow right now, especially in my industry. I’m going to wait until things pick up before I start applying for a new job.” (Hands over her power to “the market” . . .)
Me: “Hmmm, how long are you willing to stay in a job that makes your stomach churn?”
Client: “Argh, I don’t want to wait at all. But what choice do I have?”
Me: “Do you think your odds of getting a new job will increase or decrease if you start applying now?”
Client: (giggles) “Um, when you put it that way, I guess I will get on it now.” (Commits to taking charge of her future!)
Me: “I can’t track WW points right now. I’m way too busy.” (Gives power to my schedule, as if I don’t create it!)
Me: (glances at self with a furrowed brow) “Weren’t you busy in 2019 when you tracked for nine months and lost 34 pounds? Why is it different now when you only have a couple of pounds to lose? I call BS!”
Me: “Alrighty then, no more excuses. I’m tracking starting NOW!” (And I step back into my power again!)
I’m sure you get the idea.
These excuses might seem ridiculous, but it never feels that way when you’re the one in the scene.
The primal brain is insidious like that!
So now, I’m wondering, what circumstances you’re handing your power over to?
How is this impacting your self-care, health, relationships, finances, sense of joy and happiness, future?
Are you ready to step back into your power?
As always, awareness is the first step.
Then, it’s time to challenge the BS.
Yes, the circumstances might be challenging. The weather might be crappy, and the economy may be less than stellar, or the gym might be closed due to a power outage.
But you, sister, can step into your power at any time—there’s never a power outage for you!
You can commit to finding a way to accomplish your goals.
There’s always a way.
Stop preparing for failure and start fighting for success.
You’ve got this, my friend.
xo Tracy
PS – Want to go deeper and take your life to the next level and beyond? Private Coaching will get you there. Learn more here: