Life Coaching Tip: Did you know your brain has an incredible ability to adapt and ignore irrelevant stimuli over time? This article provides a rather strange and unique example of this mind-blowing phenomenon and explains how focusing on positive aspects and opportunities can shape your perceptions and experiences. I encourage you to reflect on what you’re choosing to focus on in your life and remind you of this empowering notion: You can direct your minds toward your dreams and goals, and the results will astound you!
While I am beginning by sharing a rather weird experience with you today, please stay with me. I promise, valuable insight will follow!
As a mindset coach, I am awestruck by how the brain works and the many ways we can strategically direct it to be an ally of our dreams. So whenever I discover new examples of how it all works, I am inspired to pass them on to help you have a deeper understanding of your magnificent mind:)
Here’s what happened . . .
A few weeks ago, my vision suddenly became disrupted by a large, dark feather that seemed to be waving in my left eye.
Yep, for reals. It was strange.
Like many people my age, I’d experienced “floaters” before that were small black dots—annoying, but no big deal.
But this feather was large and moving across my entire field of vision—distracting beyond belief!
Needless to say, I made an appointment with the eye doctor asap.
After some testing, I learned that I was experiencing something called “vitreous detachment” which is a natural eye condition that sometimes happens with age. It occurs when the vitreous gel in the eye separates from the retina. But as gross as it sounds, apparently, it’s not a big deal, and the symptoms tend to improve over time.
However, my eye doctor, Dr. Steele, wanted to monitor my situation a bit to be sure no retinal detachment or tear would happen because of the way the “feather” appeared raised in the photos of my eye.
But what blew me away was that the “feather” actually showed up in the pictures and it genuinely looked like a feather!
I was all like, “Whoa! So, I am not imagining this? That’s incredible!”
I wondered. . . But, where does it go? Like how do I get the feather out of my eye?
Then, I learned that it doesn’t go anywhere. The feather is permanent.
WHAAT? I was not happy with this news.
I asked Dr. Steele, “I have to live the rest of my life with a feather waving across my field of vision???” I felt a little panicked.
But she just smiled and reassured me that, just like with floaters, my brain would adapt to the feather over time. It would begin to view it as unimportant and eventually stop seeing it altogether.
That information truly wowed me and led to a conversation about mindset that I’m still thinking about today.
Dr. Steele and I talked about how powerful our minds can be. When directed to focus on what’s important and disregard what’s not, our brains can literally ignore anything that’s irrelevant to the point that WE CAN’T EVEN SEE IT ANYMORE!
Dr. Steele and I then discussed how this can be applied to personal growth and development.
She said it’s the reason she has her children turn to gratitude when they are not getting along with each other.
And I said that it is the reason I help my clients shift their focus from their limiting beliefs to thoughts of possibility. It’s the reason goal planning, vision exercises, “win” celebrations, and vision boards are all part of my coaching programs.
This is also the underlying reason why I encourage my clients to revisit their goals daily—to consistently remind their minds of what is important to them. It’s such an effective success strategy!
So now, I’d like for you to consider what “feathers” you are directing your brain to see.
What “reality” are you choosing to focus on?
If you’re focused on your problems, obstacles, limiting beliefs, and drama, your brain will gladly oblige and make it feel impossible to get a break.
But if you’re focused on your dreams, opportunities, lucky breaks, and ease, your brain will also follow your lead and show you life’s magical possibilities.
Isn’t it freaking fantastic to know that you have the power to choose?
You get to be the boss of your brain, mama! YAY!
Now, choose wisely.
xo Tracy
PS – Want to go deeper and take your life to the next level and beyond? Private Coaching will get you there. Learn more here:
PPS – Happy ending report . . . A short while after Dr. Steele explained to me what was happening with my eye, the feather vanished and has not been seen again. Poof! Just like that. I mean, it’s still there according to the pictures, but my brain has decided that it’s immaterial and not worth the attention we were giving it! Ta-da!