Life Coaching Tip: This fun manifesting exercise will help you stay in light, positive energy with less attachment or resistance. It’s all about thinking expansively and staying open to all the magnificent, mind-blowing possibilities the Universe has to offer you!
In my last post, I explained the high-vibe process of Scripting and how this process can help you break the habit of worrying, shift your focus to your dreams, and attract your deepest desires.
I also promised to share a bonus exercise with you this week, called Choose Your Own Adventure, that my client, Ann, and I created together. This exercise was designed to diminish your resistance and bolster your results – and have some fun along the way!
Ann is in her fifth round of the Shine On Program, and she has mastered the art of making manifesting fun! She knows that when she finds ways to be playful with the Universe, the Universe responds back in kind –creating more high-vibe experiences to thrive and delight in.
After I introduced the concept of Scripting in Shine On, Ann asked for ideas on how to manage her mindset if ever what she’d scripted didn’t materialize exactly as she’d written it. She wondered how to avoid feeling discouraged and disappointed in that situation, and I encouraged her to consider the possibility that the Universe had something even better in mind for her. I suggested she operate under the assumption of “Pronoia” –that the Universe is always conspiring on her behalf.
I also encouraged Ann to be light with her scripts and to remain unattached to the “hows” or paths the Universe might take to manifest her desires. I suggested she be very clear on her goal (or “happy ending”) and then imagine several possible scenarios about how she might arrive there—thinking expansively and staying open to all magnificent, mind-blowing possibilities.
Ann is someone who loves freedom, adventure, and choice, and so, she wholeheartedly relished this idea! She said it reminded her of a series of books she loved as a kid called “Choose Your Own Adventure.”
Although I wasn’t familiar with this book series, it originated in the 1970’s and is still around today. The stories allow readers to choose their own route on their adventure with at least one ending depicting a highly desired resolution.
However, other potential endings can be either satisfactory (but not the desired ending) or unsatisfactory (such as death, transformation into a non-human form or getting stuck in a permanent loop!) Yikes!
With this in mind, I decided to create a modified version of “Choose Your Own Adventure” as a Scripting exercise that adopts the positive aspects of the series but leaves out the possibility of unsatisfactory endings.
I mean, why script an unsatisfactory ending?
Plus, it wouldn’t be good for my life coaching practice if my clients were suddenly transformed into non-human forms, lol.
So, ready to give it a try?
Here’s what you do:
1. Consider a goal to focus on & begin scripting out the ideal scene.
2. Choose your perfect manifestation and be as specific as possible. (Write it as “X or better!”) This is your happy ending.
3. Next, visualize at least three magical paths that could get you to your happy ending! Think outside the box and really stretch your imagination! Script these scenarios out.
4. Write out the fourth scenario as “The Universe’s Choice” (meaning, leave this one to the Universe!)
5. Read over your work at least twice/day. Feel it and visualize it!
Easy enough, right? I hope you give it a whirl!
Please reach out with any questions and let me know how it goes.
I’ve said it before, but I want to remind you once again . . .
YOU are a powerful manifestor, mama! You can be, do, or have ANYTHING you dare to visualize.
There are absolutely no limits to your power!
But, you must have the audacity to imagine it first.
PS – Want to learn more about how to shift your mindset, step into your power, and take your life to the next level and beyond? As a mindset coach for women, I help badass women just like you soar to new heights of abundance, fulfillment, and fun. Schedule your free consultation today, and let’s talk about working together!