Life Coaching Tip: If you are someone who tends to over-think and worry, then the exercise featured in today’s post, Scripting, might be for you! Scripting can help you break the habit of worrying and intentionally shift your focus to your desires. And the more you practice shifting your focus to what you want, the more your mind will begin to accept this as your new reality and cue the Universe to attract it back to you! Ta-da! So much fun!
Are you someone who tends to over-think and worry to the point of exhaustion?
If so, you’re certainly not alone, as we live in a fear-based culture that has taught us the ridiculous belief that worrying is somehow productive and necessary to get ahead of potential problems and protect ourselves.
Unfortunately, the opposite is true.
As my coach, Jen Sincero, says: “Worrying is praying for stuff you don’t want.”
Well, because when we worry, we are imagining experiences and events that we don’t want to happen and then conjuring up feelings that align with those outcomes—cueing the Universe to mirror it all back to us.
And sister, I can tell you, I know this firsthand!
I come from a family of worriers, and I was brought up to believe that worrying was a constructive practice. I lived this way for many years—and it impacted my physical & emotional health, and overall sense of happiness and fulfillment.
But then I learned the truth.
I learned to manifest my desires, I must turn my attention away from my current reality and my fears, and intentionally focus my mind on my dreams, goals, and aspirations.
This is another Jen Sincero quote that I have taped to my desk as a daily reminder (and probably should tape to my forehead):
“What you focus on, you create more of. This is such a simple concept, but it bears repeating over and over, and I will repeat it over and over, because it’s so damn powerful and so immediately flung out the window because we are so attached to ‘the way things are.’”
If you can relate, then the process I am sharing with you today called Scripting will help you break the habit of worrying and shift your focus to how you would like things to be. And, once you practice this process often enough, your mind will begin to accept it as your new reality.
When you truly feel it in your bones, the Universe will respond in the same way, and deliver it back to you.
Simply put, Scripting is when you pretend you are an author (of a book, screen play, movie, whatever you prefer to imagine), and what you write will be performed exactly as you describe it.
Your only responsibility is to design in detail everything exactly as you want it to be.
The more playful and lighthearted you are with this process, the less resistance you will feel with your goals, and the more you will be aligned with the vibrational flow that will attract it to you.
You are the creator of your life.
You must decide what you desire and let it be.
Then, you will only need to take inspired action when fresh ideas visit you and answer the door when opportunity knocks.
Despite what you’ve been conditioned to believe, it doesn’t have to be hard, and the hustle isn’t necessary (or even helpful)!
I hope so! Please give it a try and keep me posted on the magic you create!
You are a powerful manifestor, mama!
And when you intentionally align yourself with high-vibe thoughts and feelings, there is absolutely nothing you can’t be, do, or have!
PS – Wondering what to do if what you’ve scripted doesn’t materialize exactly as you’ve written it? Worried that you’ll feel disappointed? This was a concern my client, Ann, brought up, and I encouraged her to consider the concept I introduced in last week’s blog post of “pronoia.”
What if you assumed that the Universe is always conspiring on your behalf and has an even bigger, better plan to bring your desires into being? I’ve seen this happen so many times with my clients and in my own life! It’s the absolute best when the Universe blows up our plans in a magnificent way—so this is your reminder to keep this exercise easy and playful. It’s meant to bring you pleasure and inspiration!
PPS – Ann and I created a bonus exercise together to go along with this Scripting practice called “Choose Your Own Adventure” that will further diminish resistance and bolster your results. Stay tuned. I will tell you all about it in my next blog post!