Life Coaching Tip: Much of what your brain interprets as “facts” are just thoughts about circumstances that have become well practiced beliefs. It’s important to be aware of this because the primal brain is sneaky and will do its best to keep you in your comfort zone. To move forward, you must continually challenge your current reality and courageously shake things up. You have the power to manifest your dreams, but you must be open to questioning everything that’s been blocking your way!
When Jerry and I walk at the bluffs near the lake in the summertime, we often hear a little bird calling to him from the treetops.
“Jeeeerry, Jeeeerry!” it chirps.
“What’s up, Dude? I’m right here!” my husband usually calls back.
This never gets old for me, as it always cracks me up!
For as long as I can remember, we’ve referred to this little bird as the “Jerry Bird,” and I recently decided to look up its true identity.
I smiled as I was trying to decide what to type into my Google search . . . hmmm?
I started with: “Bird that sounds like it’s saying . . . .”
And it delighted me to see what came up next!
Yes, there was “Jerry!”
But there were also a host of other options.
As it turns out, the “Jerry Bird” is a Catbird.
In one article, people thought the bird was tweeting “Mary” or “Judy.” In another article, a guy thought it sounded like the bird was saying, “Jersey.”
I thought, really? How strange! Clearly, it’s “Jerry!”
Again, this made me smile.
I’m always amazed at how we humans can perceive things so differently.
It blows my mind when I think of something as a “fact”—only to then learn there are other viewpoints contrary to mine!
As it turns out, much of what the human brain interprets as “facts” are often just thoughts—thoughts about circumstances that have become well-practiced beliefs.
And although this insight isn’t very remarkable when it comes to bird identification (unless you are an ornithologist, of course), it is incredibly important when it involves a limiting belief that is holding you back from pursuing your dreams and becoming the mightiest version of yourself!
Here’s one example of what I mean. I spent much of my life thinking of the concept of debt as a bad thing—like it implied irresponsibility.
Everyone knows this fact. Am I right?
But later in life, once I became a business owner and have coached other successful entrepreneurs who’ve leveraged their credit to grow their business—I now know that I was wrong.
Not all debt is “bad.” Debt can be a tool to take a person or business to the next level.
But I know some people would disagree and let this limiting belief get in the way of leveling up and building their dreams.
Here are a few more common limiting beliefs that people often see as facts but are truly just unhelpful beliefs that can get in the way of our desires:
I can’t make money and do something that I love or enjoy.
I’m not ________ (smart, qualified, talented, organized, young, old, experienced, educated, capable, strong, pretty, outgoing, confident . . .) enough to be, do, or have __________.
I’m lucky to have a decent job. It’s selfish and greedy to want more.
I don’t deserve ____________ (happiness, wealth, success, love, etc.).
Do you see how these beliefs could hold someone back if they thought of them as “facts”?
The primal brain is clever in its mission to keep us safely tucked away in our comfort zone.
We don’t waste valuable mental energy questioning “facts,” and so we keep cycling through the same old, same old—UNTIL we finally challenge our current realities and shift the beliefs that are no longer serving us!
Do any of the limiting belief examples above feel true to you?
Are there areas in your life where you feel stuck?
What thoughts or beliefs might be keeping you there?
I encourage you to poke at any belief that makes you feel trapped and feels like a “hard fact” by questioning and investigating it. Stay curious.
It takes intentional effort to let go of the stories that are blocking your progress.
If you’re stubbornly set on a “I’m-sure-that-bird-is-saying Jerry” belief, and it’s no longer serving you, then sister, let it go!
Obstinately dig into your aspirations—not your limitations! Your dreams, desires, and ambitions are worth the effort, my friend!