Life Coaching Tip: The following story always makes me smile—and it’s the essence of my mission—helping my clients to shine! If you find yourself holding back and hiding behind the scenes, I hope this story inspires you to powerfully show up in all your glory and bravely reveal your brilliance to the world!
Although it was mid-winter, the weather was sunny and gorgeous for nearly a week—such a treat for those of us living in Northeast Ohio! As you might imagine, my morning walks were simply delightful!
The wildlife seemed to be enjoying the mild temperatures, too. They were out of their winter retreats—getting a bite to eat, frolicking throughout the woods, socializing. The birds likely started the party by waking the other creatures with their sweet, early morning songs.
The flurry of activity during that period highlighted how many species of birds remained in the area for the winter months. This surprised me when I thought about how cold the temperatures near the lake can become.
I loved the variety of their calls! Some mornings, I’d stop and close my eyes to fully take in the birds’ chorus that expanded far out into the distance.
But it was not necessary for me to close my eyes to listen on one particular morning, because a little birdie was belting out its anthem so loudly that it caught my immediate attention.
It took me a few seconds to spot it though, because I think I was looking for a much larger bird to match the decibel level of its tune. However, when my eyes finally caught sight of it high up in a tree, I watched in amazement as the little one gallantly sang its heart out!
I totally admired the little birdie’s conviction, and I marveled at its self-confidence!
It may have been tiny in stature, but clearly, this birdie never got the memo. It was shining in its zone of brilliance—claiming its place as one of the most prominent birds in the park!
Later, I thought about what a great example that little birdie can be for us humans. I love how it perched itself high up in the treetop and serenaded its message out to the world!
I doubt it questioned its own singing abilities or qualifications for the job. It didn’t worry about outshining the other birds in the park, and it didn’t make itself quiet and small so as not to offend anybody.
And what a shame it would have been if it had! The distinctive songs and melodies of each bird species helps to make life on this planet more beautiful and special.
So, you may see where I am going with this . . . .
I’m wondering if you are showing up to life like this audacious little birdie—perched high up on a treetop, singing your heart out, and giving the world your all.
If your answer is “yes,” then that’s awesome! Rock on!
But if you are hiding in the tree branches—afraid to be seen, chirping quietly with the chorus, and holding back—then I want to inspire you to get louder and bolder!
Although it takes courage to stand out, the alternative can be soul-sucking. You are not here to be ordinary and blend in! Now, more than ever, your unique gifts and talents are needed in this world.
Like this little birdie, my friend—you were born to shine!