Life Coaching Tip: Don’t let circumstances that are beyond your control determine your mood and your future. It isn’t your circumstances, but your thoughts about your circumstances, that will either keep you moving forward or take you backwards. Create time each morning to set your intentions for the day, and work towards your goals one step at a time. This will help you create the life you want by living on purpose and not allowing outside forces to decide your fate.
My morning walks provide me the opportunity to clear my mind, tap into my intuition and set my intentions before starting the day. This ritual has become very important to me because I have learned that living with intention is everything.
For many years, I let my circumstances decide how my day (and therefore, my life) was going to go. When good things happened, as they often did, I felt great and taking inspired action was easy. But when hard things happened, as they sometimes did, I would use this as a reason to send my momentum going in the wrong direction.
Eventually I decided that I didn’t want to live this way anymore.
I don’t want to let circumstances that are beyond my control determine my mood and my future. I now know for sure that it isn’t my circumstances, but my thoughts about my circumstances, that either keep me moving forward or send me packing.
So now, as I walk each morning, I visualize what I want for my life and how I want to feel. I notice any thoughts that are getting in my way and call them out for the frauds that they are. I remind myself that I am responsible for creating what I want, and any stories to the contrary are just excuses.
Then, as I return to inspired thoughts, I set my intentions for the day. Not only does this help me to stay focused on my goals, but it also helps me welcome in opportunities when they present themselves.
I am creating the life I want by living on purpose and not allowing outside forces to decide my fate.
I wanted to write about this today because many people set new goals for themselves at the start of the new year. It’s a clean slate and the possibilities are endless.
However, as we are all aware, many people also fall off the wagon a few weeks into the month and abandon their goals as quickly as they set them.
If they miss a day or two, they have the thought that they have failed, and so they decide they might as well give up. “I’ll try again next year,” is often the sentiment.
Can you relate to this?
If so, I’d like to offer you a few other thoughts.
What if each day was a clean slate? What if the possibilities are always endless?
As you know, the results you are wanting will not be achieved with one effort. Most goal achievement is the result of accumulated effort over time.
So, what if this year you set your intentions every morning based on what you truly want to create for your life?
And what if on the days you don’t accomplish all you set out to do, you don’t consider it a failure and abandon your mission?
What if you decide that this is all part of the process, nothing has gone wrong and set new intentions again the next day?
You can see where this is going, right?
Oh, I think “future you” is going to LOVE this idea!