Want to know what sneaky belief is keeping you from sharing your light with the world?
One of the easiest ways to move forward is to discover what’s holding you back!
You’re just 8 questions away from understanding yourself — and what’s holding you back — a little better!
Answer the questions honestly to find out EXACTLY which belief is keeping you stuck. Then, you can start softening and releasing that belief and embracing one that serves you better — one that helps you step into your power and let your true magnificence shine.
Here’s how it works:
✓ Click the button to access the quiz
✓ Answer 8 simple questions
✓ Receive your results
✓ Start releasing that belief’s hold on you ASAP
Why should you take this quiz?
It’s all about awareness.
This quiz empowers you with something so important: Awareness, my friend!
And it’s the first step to changing your life — I mean for reals, and not just on paper. Because without awareness, you…
→ Stay STUCK in the same frustrating cycles
→ Repeat the same unfulfilling patterns
→ Spin your wheels in the same ol’ mud
…No matter how badly you want to change things, your subconscious mind will keep you trapped.
And I don’t want that for you! There are better things ahead. Waaayyy better. You wouldn’t believe how much better!
Imagine a life that’s filled to the brim with:
YES, I’m talking about a life that positively fulfills you and aligns with your heart’s truest desires! But the path to THAT kind of life won’t reveal itself until you release some seriously limiting beliefs.
So let’s dig in! Which core belief do YOU need to shed?
Hi, I’m Tracy!
I’m a passionate life coach and the founder of Moving Forward Life Coaching. Want to know what lights me up? Helping courageous women like you release the mind drama that’s been holding them back, so they can step into their power and share their light with the world. Let’s get you shining on, sister!