Life Coaching Tip: If you’re feeling like it’s taking “too long” to hit your goals, let me assure you: this is just your primal brain trying to hold you back. You are making progress, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. Sometimes we just underestimate the amount of effort or time a goal will take to realize. That’s all. You’re closer than you think. Keep going. You’ve totally got this!
We are almost two weeks into the new year, and I’m wondering how it’s going.
Have you chosen a Word of the Year for yourself? Did you establish new goals and create an action plan to set yourself up for success?
If so . . . YAAAS! Rock on, sister!
But, if not, I want to inspire you today to get on it!
For me, 2024 was nothing short of remarkable, as I truly hit my stride. My Word of the Year was “Progress,” and I was determined to slay many of the goals that I’d aspired to accomplish for what felt like FOREVAH!
And that’s exactly what I did!
On the personal front, we sold our home of 22 years and moved to the location of our dreams . . . a townhome in the city, yet directly above a beautiful 179-acre lakefront park with a stunning rooftop view of the lake. This goal involved a renovation project that was not on my list of favorite things to do, but we got ‘er done and are now reaping the rewards of our efforts.
We also took a family vacation with our daughters and their partners to Tuscany, a dream that had been on my vision board for more than a decade. Sharing that magical experience with our family was truly one of my favorite memories, and I am so grateful for the nudge my girls gave me to get it rolling!
Then, business-wise, I had an extraordinary year. When I launched the last round of my signature program, Shine On, something amazing happened. Every single one of my private coaching clients joined the program, allowing me to fill not one, but two Shine On groups—one local and one international!
This had been my ultimate vision for Shine On since I first created it in 2020—two groups filled with some of the most magnificent, interesting & adventurous women on the planet! I am still pinching myself when I think of this goal being realized.
To my surprise, that momentum then flowed into my private coaching practice. I am now fully booked, with my last incredible private client signing up on New Year’s Eve.
That’s how my year started—fully booked and on fire!
Why am I sharing this with you today?
Well, first, I want to sincerely thank you for being part of this fun adventure. Whether you’re a first time reader, long time follower, client, or former client, it’s truly an honor to be on this journey with you, my friend.
And second, I want to inspire you to keep going!
Even if it seems like you’ve been working on the same goals and ambitions year after year, for what feels like an eternity—know that progress is happening!
As a reminder, I had Tuscany on my vision board for more than a decade, and the desire for two Shine On groups since the inception of the program in 2020.
And my husband, Jerry, and I had planned to move in 2019 right after our daughters completed their education and were living fully independently. However, we all know what happened in 2020 . . . the pandemic, plus several personal losses and setbacks, which put our plans on hold until this year when we decided to get the fluff on the fluff and make our move happen.
I encourage you to follow my example and stick with it, my friend!
If you’re feeling like it’s taking “too long” to hit your goals, let me assure you: this is just your primal brain trying to hold you back. That voice telling you that “you should have achieved this by now” is nonsense!
You are making progress, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. The small wins are adding up and they count!
Sometimes we underestimate the amount of effort or time a goal will take to realize. That’s all. Nothing has gone wrong.
You’ve come so far, and you’re closer than you think.
You’re on the right path.
Re-commit. Stay focused. Dig in!
You’ve got this, mama!
xo Tracy
PS – My Word for 2025 is “Expansion.” I absolutely love where I am, and I can’t wait to create more joy, impact, and growth—especially within my coaching programs. Stay tuned for what’s coming next!
PPS – I’d love to hear your Word of the Year and what big plans you’re making for 2025. If you wouldn’t mind sharing, please send me an email and fill me in!