Life Coaching Tip: The more you expect good things to happen, the more they seem to “magically” appear. This is true because what you focus on, you create more of. This simply is a fact, not just from a brain science perspective, but from an energy standpoint as well. Understanding and embracing this powerful concept can completely transform your life!
“I felt like I had won the top prize on a game show that I didn’t even know I was on!”
That’s what someone said to me recently when she was sharing good news about a generous offer that had come her way.
“Ooooh, I really like that visual,” I thought.
And I imagined what it would be like going through my life being the lucky winner on a game show that I didn’t even know I was playing. So fun!
Then, I quickly decided to add that nugget to my list of affirmations I repeat to myself throughout the day to keep my mindset enthusiastic and inspired.
Now, before you start accusing me of flying over rainbows on a unicorn with butterflies, notice if even the notion of a positive visualization, like this one, makes you uncomfortable.
Well, if it does, you’re not alone.
Most of us were warned against this type of nonsense. We were taught that it’s not “realistic” or healthy to think this way. We were cautioned not to set ourselves up for disappointment.
Life is not a bed of roses.
Life is hard.
Life is not fair.
BUT I disagree. It’s just one way of telling the story.
And I think it’s ridiculous to go through life expecting the worst because someone (who probably loved us very much) was worried that we wouldn’t be able to handle the disappointment if things didn’t go our way.
And this is especially unfortunate because the REAL truth is…
What you focus on, you create more of.
This simply is a fact, not just from a brain science perspective, but from an energy standpoint as well. And understanding and embracing this concept can be incredibly powerful and will transform your life!
Yet most of the time, we are so attached to “the way things are” that we allow ourselves to indulge in the bleak, miserable tales of our existence, staying in denial of the unlimited possibilities available to us.
Now, of course, bad things happen, but more often than not, amazing things do too. And the more you expect them, the more you look for them. And, the more you look for them, the more they seem to “magically” appear!
But first you must be willing to let go of some of the old stories of helplessness, sadness, and despair, and intentionally try out some fresh, uplifting thoughts that will help you jump out of bed in the morning in anticipation of awesomeness!
If you’re game (and why wouldn’t you be for goodness sakes?), here are a few of my favorites to try…
*The universe has my back!
*Opportunities and growth come with each door I open!
*Money comes to me easily and effortlessly through expected and unexpected sources!
*The entire universe is always conspiring to bring more love, abundance, and success into my life!
*Life is an exciting adventure filled with magical opportunities, pleasant surprises, and great reward!
Or the new doozy I opened this message with…
*Today I feel like the top prize winner on a game show that I didn’t even know I was on!
Try it out sister, I double dare you!
What’s the worst thing that could happen?
I mean, you could look silly walking around the park talking to yourself, like I do. But really, it’s not so bad.
Because you will also be having a whole lot of fun, being playful with life, anticipating all the delightful things that are coming your way and saying, “Hell Yes!” to each of them as they arrive.
Come on down, my friend!
You’re a winner!
PS – Ready to let go of “the way things are” and create more of what you want for your life? Check out my private coaching page and learn how coaching together can help you get so inspired and immersed in possibility that the decision to move forward will feel easy and fun!