Life Coaching Tip: Don’t wait until you have the confidence to go after your dreams. You must take the first few steps in blind faith, knowing that you will develop the confidence you need by taking action. Confidence isn’t something you just suddenly “get”, it’s something you EARN.
My husband and I recently took a trip to Colorado Springs to visit our daughter, Marissa, and son-in-law, Brian, and we went on several fun adventures that provided us a much-needed boost!
One, in particular, stood out to me, and I’m excited to tell you about it!
On the last day of our trip, we ventured out to a place called “The Broadmoor Seven Falls” to see a group of cascading waterfalls in South Cheyenne Canyon.
This was Marissa and Brian’s first visit to the falls too, and I think we all pictured an easy, relaxed hike through a picturesque park, which it was – at first.
When we arrived at what we thought was the top of this natural wonder, we realized we weren’t quite at the top yet at all.
Instead, there was a 224-step challenging trek up the steep side of a majestic rock formation to get to the top where the South Cheyenne Creek feeds the 181-foot drop of falling waters!
And beyond that? Even more stunning hiking trails, lush valleys, magnificent views, and grand adventure!
So… up we went!!!
Now, I should mention here that neither Marissa nor I are big fans of heights, but we have a history of not focusing on our fears when we are together. Marissa is by far one of the bravest people I know, and I have seen her push herself past her limits so many times that I never want to be the person who holds her back.
And the guys admitted later that they were a bit uneasy about the climb too, but no one indicated this at the time in the least.
I led the charge at first, vigorously hitting those steps with intention.
UNTIL… I got about half-way up the first flight of stairs and began to feel a bit wobbly. My primal brain started sending me all kinds of unhelpful messages, like…
*What if you get dizzy from the altitude and faint?
*What if Marissa, Brian, or Jerry loses their balance and falls? They’re behind you, and you won’t even know until it’s too late!
*Something feels off… is it a panic attack or is your blood sugar dropping? Oh no, you’re losing control…
*Just look up… Crap there’s no one in front of you!
*Don’t look down! (But what if I miss a step?)
*Stare straight ahead… Nope, bad idea! The open stairway is freaking me out!
You get the idea, I’m sure!
And I’m sure you’ve been in a similar situation where your primal brain is raging out of control, spewing all kinds of nonsense so fast that the logical part of your brain can’t keep up.
But fortunately, Jerry was behind me. And so when I began sharing my unhelpful thoughts with him, my supportive husband gave me a pep-talk all the way to the first landing.
And then for the rest of our journey, we changed positions and Brian went up in front of me and Marissa was directly behind. She too was feeling the panic, and so we talked one-another up those stairs, one step at a time.
*You’ve got this Mom!
*It’s just like the stairway in your house Marissa! Easy-peasy!
*We do this all the time Mom, no big deal!
*Yes, you’re right, and we’re almost there!
I may sound a bit melodramatic here, I know, but it truly felt like a big accomplishment at the time.
And I relished the experience even more, because it was only a few days before my 58th birthday, and I realized this type of physical challenge was EXACTLY what I needed!
You see, I was feeling a bit “old” – an unbecoming story I was telling myself, and my body was starting to believe it.
But as I tell my clients, self-belief and confidence isn’t something you suddenly just “get”. Confidence is something you EARN, by taking one scary step at a time, all the while talking to yourself with intentional words of affirmation, gradually building your belief.
You can’t wait until you have the confidence to do the thing, you must take the first few steps in blind faith, knowing that you will develop the confidence you need by taking action.
It’s honestly the best frickin’ feeling in the world, and it’s the way to fully feel energized, empowered, and alive!
So now, I ask you…
What are you doing to ignite your zest for life?
When was the last time you did something to shake up your primal brain and push yourself past the limits of your comfort zone?
If it’s been a while, then I encourage you to take the first steps to…
- Start your business
- Disrupt your lifestyle
- Challenge your body
- Find a more meaningful career
- Say “yes” to new love
- Write that book
- Explore the world
Yep, I double-dare you!
Unleash your passion and make yourself proud!
Sister, you have just this one and only life, so please make the best of it.
Your confidence will grow as you earn it.
Seriously, I double-dare you!
PS- Ready to take some BIG steps forward and reach higher? I’ve got you! Schedule your free life coaching consultation now, and let’s talk about working together!