Life Coaching Tip: If you expect life to be a struggle, then it will be because your thoughts create your results. Try this mantra instead, “Life is easy” and repeat it throughout your day. It sounds simple, I know, but it can be a game-changer! Your brain wants to prove your stories right, and so why not intentionally tell stories that work for you?
Many of us have grown up with messages like, “Life is hard” or “Life is a struggle”, and so we don’t even question the negative energy that this thought might create.
We accept this notion as a “fact” because that’s what our brain does: find “evidence” to support our thoughts. Then over time, these thoughts become beliefs which we interpret as facts.
Think of the saying, “That’s life!” No one uses this adage to mean, good things happen all the time.
Nope, it’s used when things go wrong… when there is a break up, or someone loses their job or gets sick, that’s when we hear, that’s life! But this is not what we hear when a person wins the lottery, finds the love of their life or recovers from illness, right?
I really gave this some thought recently after a client said to me with great confidence, “Life is a struggle.”
I had to coach her hard on this thought because our thoughts become our results. If we expect life to be a struggle, well then imagine how that will impact our feelings, actions, and then our results!
It was during this client’s life coaching session that we developed the mantra, “Life Is Easy!”
Later, I decided to try it out in my own life. It has since become such a game-changer for me, that I thought I would share it in this newsletter.
I hope you give it a try!
Here’s what I did…
I have been repeating this mantra throughout my day, especially when I first wake up. Then, I make a conscious effort to look for “evidence” to support this thought.
Whoa! Once I opened my mind to this idea, it turns out, life has been easy!
For instance, I was working on some technology issues last night.
Although what I was doing might be basic and simple for most folks, I am a bit behind the times on this front. My thought would typically be something like: This is complicated. I don’t know what I’m doing, and of course, followed by feelings of dread.
But last night, I thought, “Life is easy”, and it was!
Even when something didn’t work the first time and I was tempted to go back to my old way of thinking, I corrected myself, and relaxed. Amazingly, this gave my brain a chance to problem-solve creatively with much less effort.
Your thoughts truly become your results, so consider embracing this new mantra.
Your brain may want to argue with you for a while and provide you with “evidence” to the contrary – but take charge of it and commit to “Life is Easy!”
Doesn’t that feel awesome? Breathe…