Life Coaching Tip: If you find yourself frequently irritated and bothered by the things you once desired, then I encourage you to create some space for gratitude. It’s always the quickest path to contentment and happiness. What you focus on, you create more of, and so you must stop defining your blessings as burdens.
Second-home (or not owning a home at all)
Remote Work (or working at the office or shop)
Children (or pets or houseplants)
Vacation (or California dreaming)
Partner (or the single life)
Solitude (or a busy household full of people)
These things are all circumstances.
And over the years, I have worked with many clients who have had these things on their dream list, and others who have complained about them like crazy.
This goes to show that when we take a look at some of the things we take for granted, there’s a good chance someone else is wishing for them with all their heart.
Now, of course, this is only natural. We all have whiny thoughts about our circumstances from time to time.
(And, I may or may not be guilty of occasionally being a cranky-pants myself.:)
It’s all part of having a human brain with a negative bias that loves to create drama, exaggerate the negative aspects of a situation, and overestimate how much effort and struggle we must put into things.
Like, someone recently told me that she spends 80 percent of her time taking care of her dog. Seriously, 80 percent was the report. Now, either she has the world’s neediest dog EVER, she’s the world’s worst time manager, or her brain is doing some serious embellishment!
Look, I get it. There are pros and cons to everything. But when we choose (and yes, we have a choice) to focus on the cons, then stories of gloom and doom begin to define our lives.
My friend, you’ve heard me say it before and I’ll say it again: What you focus on, you create more of.
This simple concept bears repeating because it is so incredibly empowering!
If you find yourself frequently annoyed and bothered by the things you once desired, then I encourage you to create some space for gratitude.
(And I don’t mean this in a shamey way! I only want to help you manage your human mind in a way that brings you joy and contentment, rather than frustration and resentment.)
Gratitude is always the key.
If you want to live a life of inspiration, not obligation, then you must stop defining your blessings as burdens.
Remember, you GET to, you don’t HAVE to…
*Go on vacation.
*Walk your dog.
*Declutter your home.
*Workout at the gym.
*Listen to your partner talk about his or her day.
*Work in the quiet solitude of your home.
*Eat delicious, nourishing meals.
*Read my blog posts.
Ha-ha! I thought I’d throw that last one in for fun, but you get the idea, right?
And if the blessings in your life still feel like burdens for you most days despite trying to reframe them, you can also add a new gratitude practice to your daily routine.
You can do this by writing a list or journaling a few pages about all the reasons why you love the circumstance that’s been bothering you.
And when you do, feel all the feelings that come with gratitude, and truly drink them in.
Then delight as the universe responds by aligning the new magnificent vibrations you’ve created with even more things to appreciate!
Get ready sister and welcome in all the blessings that will follow and the joy of knowing that you’ve created them!
This is key to living a meaningful life of contentment.
It’s worth your time and attention.
You have just this one and only miraculous life, and the more you savor and appreciate it, the more your blessings and happiness will multiply.
You GET to Shine On.
For me, I think I’ve learned my lesson. Now, instead of reaching for my cranky pants in the morning, I’m going to make a habit of putting on my happy pants, and relish my one and only, beautiful life!