Life Coaching Tip: When you look at things from a larger perspective, it is easier to release your fears and go after your goals and aspirations with gusto! As you move forward today, try relaxing into an attitude of “there is nothing serious going on here”. Think about the “big picture”, take a leap of faith, and see what you can get away with!
I’ve taken up the practice of climbing to the top of the 50 ft. coastal observation tower at the Lake Erie Bluffs during my morning walks recently, and then savoring the 360-degree view of tree tops and shoreline. I love to look out to the horizon and then take in the scene from side-to-side while breathing in the expansiveness.
This vantage point takes me to a spiritual place and helps me to remember the big picture of it all. It’s really quite magical! Otherwise, it’s easy to give way too much credence to the small annoyances in life and the fears that can steal my joy and cause unnecessary worry.
In her book “You are a Badass”, Jen Sincero has a fabulous quote to help her readers maintain a wider perspective: “Life is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s. It so seriously is – we have no freakin’ idea what we’re even doing here spinning around on this globe in the middle of this solar system with who-the-hell-knows-what out there beyond it. Making a big fat deal out of anything is absurd.”
Sincero also writes that she has developed a motto of “I just want to see what I can get away with” as she takes on the challenges of the day.
I love this motto and the idea of relaxing into our day with an attitude of there is nothing serious going on here. With the advantage of perspective, it is easier to release your fears and go after your goals and aspirations with gusto!
As you move forward today, consider trying out this new perspective. Think about the “big picture”, take a leap of faith and see what you can get away with!